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Aetherian Calendar

The Aetherian Calendar is a lunar-solar calendar system based on the movements of the moon and sun. It is divided into twelve months, with each month based on the lunar cycle and each year based on the solar cycle. The Aetherian Calendar is designed to align with the seasons of the year and the movements of the sun and moon.


Month Falsian Elven Dwarven Halfling Archaic
  1. Sunbreak
    This month begins with the winter solstice and the first new moon after the solstice. It is a time of new beginnings and rebirth as the days begin to grow longer.
  2. Frostfall
    This month begins with the first full moon after Sunbreak. It is a time of cold and frost, as winter continues to grip the land.
  3. Snowmelt
    This month begins with the first new moon after Frostfall. It is a time of thawing and melting snow, as spring begins to emerge.
  4. Thawbloom
    This month begins with the first full moon after Snowmelt. It is a time of new growth and blossoming, as the first flowers of spring begin to appear.
  5. Suncrest
    This month begins with the first new moon after the vernal equinox. It is a time of warmth and light, as the sun begins to shine brighter and longer.
  6. Greenleaf
    This month begins with the first full moon after Suncrest. It is a time of growth and abundance, as the world becomes lush with greenery.
  7. Sunhigh This month begins with the first new moon after the summer solstice. It is a time of bright sunlight and heat, as the days reach their longest.
  8. Harvestmoon This month begins with the first full moon after Sunhigh. It is a time of harvesting and abundance, as the crops are gathered and stored for the winter.

  9. Leafcrisp: This month begins with the first new moon after the autumnal equinox. It is a time of change and transition, as the leaves begin to turn and fall.

  10. Moonfall: This month begins with the first full moon after Leafcrisp. It is a time of darkness and cooling temperatures, as the world prepares for winter.
  11. Wintercrest: This month begins with the first new moon after the winter solstice. It is a time of reflection and rest, as the long nights begin to set in.
  12. Starlight: This month begins with the first full moon after Wintercrest. It is a time of darkness and cold, as the world enters the depths of winter.


Each month is divided into 30 days, and each day is named after a natural phenomenon, a deity, or a significant event. Each year also has five "Festival Days" that are not assigned to a specific month, but are instead placed in between months. These Festival Days are aligned with important celestial events such as the equinoxes and solstices, and are considered important days of celebration and ritual.

Special Days

  • Equinoxes: The spring and fall equinoxes are considered sacred days of balance and harmony, and are celebrated with feasts and rituals.
  • Solstices: The summer and winter solstices are considered important days of transition, and are marked with celebrations and offerings to the gods.
  • Full Moons: Each full moon is considered a time of power and energy, and is often marked with ceremonies and rituals.

Seasonal Festivals